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I’m a girl with a love for photography and a law degree that became a stay at home mom and grew a 7-figure business. I’m here to give you the tools you need to do the same.
hi lovely!
I’ve rounded up some of my absolute favorite items that Olivia loves! You have probably seen these products throughout our home in some of my photos and vids.
I hope everyone is wrapping up their Christmas lists! (pun intended) 🙂
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I only work with brands that I truly love and all opinions are 100% my own. Any sponsored posts will be labeled as such. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that made this blog successful! This Lovely Life uses affiliate links from third-party advertisers. I may make commissions from purchases made through ads and links.
COPYRIGHT: All images and copy are original to Nicole DiGiacobbe and This Lovely Life unless otherwise credited. Please be lovely and link back and ask for permission when using any material from this site.
Это срезанный слой дерна с живой зеленоватой растительностью, вывихнутый в сверток и готовый к пересадке в участок. Рулонная трава для газона отращивается в течение двух лет по специальной технологии из специально наложенной смеси семян луговых злаков. При достижении неплохой плотности дерновины и густоты травостоя лужайка срезают и сворачивают в рулоны для дальнейшей транспортировки. порядок озеленения.
рулонный газон